I used to coach in Bahrain, a small island in the middle east. It was fantastic, I had a 5-year contract and moved our family to be there - it was awesome. Then the Arab Spring movement came, first in Tunisia, then to Egypt, in year 2 of my contract. Both movements were significant, but different than in Bahrain. My team told me that they were going to protest on Feb 14th, which was within their right. Needless, to say complete different situation, the police force in Bahrain was all from outside of the country, no one from Bahrain. Thus, you can imagine, there was a shot toward one of the protesters - it changed the course of things to come and led to a huge uprising against the Monarchy of 200 years. No change was to happen, in fact, martial law was eventually imposed from Saudi Arabia, and we had a decision to make. Stay or return.
Things changed dramatically from me being the Head Coach of the Professional team to now wondering what is the next step? Return to USA, and do what? I love how many people think it’s just easy to go return to the NCAA or NBA, haha, oh man.
On the desk of President Harry S. Truman was a small saying, it simply read, “The Buck Stops Here.” He understood that the health and well-being of the country laid squarely on his shoulders. He steered the ship. He was responsible…it began and ended with him.
In the same sense the Buck stops with each and every one of us when it comes to our life. We are constantly creating who we are in this moment. If we don’t like who we are or where we are, then we learn to walk in a new direction. It’s not easy. In last night’s episode, fictional President Jud Bartlett, took the advice from a former President and went to listen to Abraham Lincoln for advice on what to do next. Once you can walk in a new direction, you are on your way to reinventing your life. Enjoy this life. Get the most out of it. Reinvent yourself over and over again. The Buck Stops Here!