Today is Thursday December 5, Game Day!
This morning my day started with a two hour delay due to the roads being icey. For me this was great news; I definitely needed the extra sleep and time to get everything ready.
I got to school around 9:55, and my first and only class was English. The little time I was there all we were doing was presentations about the career you wanted to have when you were older. Finally 11 o'clock hit and I was gone, headed to the bus to get ready for our long trip.
I was happy we only had to go to school for an hour, but definitely wasn't looking forward to the almost four hour bus drive that we were going to take. I can't complain though - we always seem to make the trips fun and ALWAYS make memories! For example on Tuesday (12/3) at the back of the bus, some of the varsity players were having rap battles saying some foolish, foolish stuff, but everyone listening was laughing like crazy! And just now they started seeing what animal everyone looked like, which may sound dumb but can be funny.
One thing that everyone should experience is a nice long bus trip with your bro's!
Living in Flagstaff, every one of our away games usually takes anywhere from an hour and a half to around four hours. Although we have fun on the way there, after we take little naps, the trip back home usually isn't the best time. After our game everyone is tired and ready to get back home, but we have to grind out the long ride back trying to sleep in the uncomfortable bus, and find weird positions which we can actually get some rest in.
Finally when we get back up the mountain - it's right around midnight and usually below freezing outside. You got to clean the bus, then get in your car (which is also freezing) and wait for it to warm up, while your teeth are chattering and your body is shivering. Next is the hard part. Depending if it had recently snowed or not, you got to drive slowly and cautiously on the roads that are usually icey and very slick while being very tired. But of course you got to suck it up and deal with it, because we are blessed with these opportunities.
Anyways back to the game, tonight we play Poston Butte. I don't know anything about them, and I've never played against them, so I'm not sure what to expect - but regardless I will be ready. The nerves haven't started yet for me, and usually don't until during warm-ups, which is nice because I usually have a clear mind while watching the freshman and j.v. games.
After the first play and after the ball touches my hands the nerves leave, and it's all business from then until the last buzzer goes off.